sql server
- Aggregate table strings into one csv value (with SQL Server)
- Backup restore script
- Basic data dictionary
- Bulk Comparison with Hashbytes
- Case Sensitive String Comparison
- Check if Column exists, or if constraint exists or if index exists (including spatial index)
- Collation: find it, compare it, change it
- Compare environments
- Convert a timestamp column to a varchar
- Count occurrences of string
- Create a role that gives a user permissions on a specific schema
- Create active directory user on SQL Server
- Create of alter for stored procedures and views etc
- Create Schema with Authorization
- Csv To Html function in SQL
- Delete duplicate rows
- Deleting millions of rows from SQL Server
- Ensure String Is an Integer
- Example query for bucketing up a bunch of values in SQL Server
- Find (and fix) large tables
- Find a foreign key by searching for the table or column from either end
- Find current sessions/users/who is locking
- Find missing indexes in sql server
- Find open transactions in SQL Server
- Find Tables or Columns by Name, and or Search all views functions or sprocs for a piece of text
- Find Whitespace in Object Names
- Finding unused indexes in sql server
- First (and last) day of the month
- Format DateTime as yyyy-MM-dd
- Format your queries
- Generate Change Script
- How do I Convert a Hex varchar to a Bigint in SQL Server? (solved)
- How much space does my DB use?
- How much space is left on the drives that my sql server can access?
- How to insert identity values into an identity column
- How to run sql queries, to CSV, in powershell, on the commandline
- How to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to access Windows authenticated databases across a VPN
- Import CSV using SSMS tools
- Index fragmentation and nasty page splits
- Indexing for Performance by Kimberly Tripp
- Info Message: Processing Info returned from SQL (in C#)
- Inline MIN
- List today and the last 7 days
- Log message immediately during a long running procedure
- Mismatch between estimated and actual number of rows returned in Execution Plan
- Need to delete backup files?
- Nums Table in SQL Server - a table of numbers
- Outer Apply can be very useful
- Parse varchar into DateTime
- Pivot reports with dynamic pivoted columns (by day)
- Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created
- R Services on SQL Server 2016+ (and Regular Expressions)
- Relative Dates
- Renaming a database - Simply - In Depth - SQL Server
- Run a command against each table
- Scalar Function in SQL that returns everything After a specified character
- Search the event log for sql server restarts with this powershell query
- See Wait Times in SQL Server
- Select top N where N is a variable
- Set a database to simple recovery model
- Sick of typing sp_heltpext ?
- Slow and long running queries
- Split string in SQL Server
- SSMS Dark Mode in SQL Server Management Studio
- Temporal Table feature in SQL Server
- Trailing Cr Lf
- Trim or zero-out a portion of a datetime
- Updating millions of rows from SQL Server
- Use Ctrl-E to execute your query
- Using Merge for upsert (update or insert)
- View statistics
- Weibull function
- What date was it on the most recent Monday (i.e. last Monday)?
- When was SQL Server restarted?
- Where does SSMS put queries before they've been saved?
- Windowed Functions in SQL Server
- WITH (common table expressions)
- Wrap an update in a transaction with this script template
- Xtype (in sysobjects)