Aggregate table strings into one csv value (with SQL Server)

i.e. concatenate strings in SQL Server

Turn some literal values into a comma separated string variable:

declare @CSV varchar(max) = null
select  @CSV = isnull(@CSV + ', ', '') + [Value]
from    (values
		,   ('Two')
		,   ('Three')
		) v ([Value])
print @CSV -- Prints 'One, Two, Three'

Turn some table values into a comma separated string variable:

declare @CSV varchar(max) = null
select  top 5 @CSV = isnull(@CSV + ', ', '') + [name]
from    sysobjects
print @CSV -- Prints 'sysrscols, sysrowsets, sysclones, sysallocunits, sysfiles1'

Return comma separated string, not as a variable though, as part of a result set.

select DISTINCT schema_name(UID),
			SELECT ','+ [Name]  AS [text()]
			FROM sysobjects s1
			WHERE s1.UID = s2.UID
			ORDER BY s1.[Name]
			FOR XML PATH ('')
		), 2, 4000) [Names]
FROM sysobjects s2
order by 1

Note that if the Name contains any XML-breaking characters (e.g. <), you might need to do more work with the Name, to encode those and then decode them.

See also