Example query for bucketing up a bunch of values in SQL Server

Example of sorting results into buckets (ranges), and showing the count in each bucket, as well as the average of some other column, for members in that bucket.

declare @interval int = 5000 --bucket size
    --@interval * Floor(DirectDistance/@interval) as Min_,
    --@interval * Floor(DirectDistance/@interval) + @Interval - 1 as Max_,
    '' + Cast((@interval * Floor(DirectDistance/@interval)) as varchar(20))  + ' - ' +
        Cast((@interval * Floor(DirectDistance/@interval) + @Interval - 1) as varchar(20)) as 'Range',
    --Floor(DirectDistance/@interval) as Bucket,
    AVG(Metres_Per_Minute) as Avg_Metres_Per_Minute,
    COUNT(*) as Number_of_Examples
group by
having COUNT(*) > 15
order by
    Floor(DirectDistance/@interval)  --order by bucket

More examples

Example -- with:

A table called

I.e. we could run: Select MeasuredExpression from TableOfInterest

Find the min and max:

Declare @maxValue int = null;
Declare @minValue int = null;

	@maxValue = max(MeasuredExpression),
	@minValue = min(MeasuredExpression)
from dbo.TableOfInterest

Decide how many 'buckets' you want to divide the area into.

Declare @numBuckets int = 10;

Determine the size of the buckets.

Declare @bucketSize int = null;

Set @BucketSize =  (@Maxvalue - @MinValue) /  @numBuckets;

Review the settings now, before we fine tune them.

	@MinValue as 'MinValue',
	@MaxValue as 'MaxValue',
	@BucketSize as 'BucketSize',
	'Before' as 'StateName';


Now we need to decide how we'd like to fine tune the region that we are graphing. Maybe we only want to go from 15 to 25?

-- Fine tune the parameters to show different number of buckets in different size...
	@MinValue = 5816,
	@MaxValue = 7283,

-- recalculate bucketsize...
Set @BucketSize =  (@Maxvalue - @MinValue) /  @numBuckets;

	@MinValue as 'MinValue',
	@MaxValue as 'MaxValue',
	@BucketSize as 'BucketSize',
	'Adjusted' as 'StateName';

	--@BucketSize * Floor(MeasuredExpression/@BucketSize) as Min_,
	--@BucketSize * Floor(MeasuredExpression/@BucketSize) + @BucketSize - 1 as Max_,
	'' + Cast((@BucketSize * Floor((MeasuredExpression - @minValue)/@BucketSize)) as varchar(20))  + ' - ' +
		Cast((@BucketSize * Floor((MeasuredExpression - @minValue)/@BucketSize) + @BucketSize - 1) as varchar(20))
		as 'Range',
	--Floor(MeasuredExpression/@BucketSize) as Bucket,
	--AVG(Metres_Per_Minute) as Avg_Metres_Per_Minute,
	COUNT(*) as Number_of_Examples
group by
	Floor((MeasuredExpression - @minValue)/@BucketSize)
having Min(MeasuredExpression) >= @minValue
and Max(MeasuredExpression) <= @MaxValue
--having COUNT(*) > 15
order by
	Floor(MeasuredExpression - @minValue)/@BucketSize)  --order by bucket

Include Eempty Buckets

Note: it's good to "cross join" with a nums table to show rows with zero counts as well!

Join with a nums table..

See also