Find missing indexes in sql server

Just as you can find unused indexes in sql server, so you can find 'missing' indexes. And similarly there are some caveats that come with blindly accepting what the clever queries tell you.

Identifying that an index is missing is just part of the journey. You also need to look at index consolidation, and the total cost of the index... for example how does it affect your insert/update performance?

But caveats aside here are the CODES.

	db.[name] AS [DatabaseName]
	,schema_name([objects].[schema_id]) + '.' + [objects].[name] AS [Table]
	,gs.[unique_compiles] AS [UniqueCompiles]
	,gs.[user_seeks] * gs.[avg_total_user_cost] * (gs.[avg_user_impact] * 0.01) AS [IndexAdvantage]
	,gs.[user_seeks] AS [UserSeeks]
	,gs.[user_scans] AS [UserScans]
	,gs.[last_user_seek] AS [LastUserSeekTime]
	,gs.[last_user_scan] AS [LastUserScanTime]
	,gs.[avg_total_user_cost] AS [AvgTotalUserCost]  -- Average cost of the user queries that could be reduced by the index in the group.
	,gs.[avg_user_impact] AS [AvgUserImpact]  -- The value means that the query cost would on average drop by this percentage if this missing index group was implemented.
	,gs.[system_seeks] AS [SystemSeeks]
	,gs.[system_scans] AS [SystemScans]
	,gs.[last_system_seek] AS [LastSystemSeekTime]
	,gs.[last_system_scan] AS [LastSystemScanTime]
	,gs.[avg_total_system_cost] AS [AvgTotalSystemCost]
	,gs.[avg_system_impact] AS [AvgSystemImpact]  -- Average percentage benefit that system queries could experience if this missing index group was implemented.
	,id.[equality_columns] AS [EqualityColumns]
	,id.[inequality_columns] AS [InEqualityColumns]
	,id.[included_columns] AS [IncludedColumns]
	,'CREATE INDEX [IX_' + OBJECT_NAME(id.[object_id], db.[database_id]) + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(ISNULL(id.[equality_columns], ''), ', ', '_'), '[', ''), ']', '') + CASE
		WHEN id.[equality_columns] IS NOT NULL
			AND id.[inequality_columns] IS NOT NULL
			THEN '_'
		ELSE ''
		END + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(ISNULL(id.[inequality_columns], ''), ', ', '_'), '[', ''), ']', '') + '_' + LEFT(CAST(NEWID() AS [nvarchar](64)), 5) + ']' + '
		' + id.[statement] + ' (' + ISNULL(id.[equality_columns], '') + CASE
		WHEN id.[equality_columns] IS NOT NULL
			AND id.[inequality_columns] IS NOT NULL
			THEN ','
		ELSE ''
		END + ISNULL(id.[inequality_columns], '') + ')' + ISNULL('
		(' + id.[included_columns] + ')', '') AS [ProposedIndex]
	--,CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS [smalldatetime]) AS [CollectionDate]
FROM [sys].[dm_db_missing_index_group_stats] gs WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_db_missing_index_groups] ig WITH (NOLOCK) ON gs.[group_handle] = ig.[index_group_handle]
INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_db_missing_index_details] id WITH (NOLOCK) ON ig.[index_handle] = id.[index_handle]
INNER JOIN [sys].[databases] db WITH (NOLOCK) ON db.[database_id] = id.[database_id]
INNER JOIN sys.objects ON id.OBJECT_ID = objects.OBJECT_ID
WHERE  db.[database_id] = DB_ID()
--AND schema_name([objects].[schema_id]) + '.' + [objects].[name] AS [Table] like 'dbo.MyTable%'
ORDER BY --[Table]
	[IndexAdvantage] DESC


See also