- Adding more files/changes to a commit you've just done
- Aliases in git
- Branching in git
- Change commit message (before you've pushed)
- Checkout specific revision
- Cherry-pick some commits from one branch to another
- Compare branches
- Delete old branches
- Diff of staged files
- Discard uncommitted changes
- File Too Large I Want to Remove It
- Filename too long when cloning a git repository on windows
- Fix git push timed out with corporate proxy (e.g. visual studio .com)
- git cheat sheet
- Git config
- git equivalent of 'hg outgoing'
- git for mercurial users
- git stash: very useful
- Git: how do i revert a single file
- How to access github behind a corporate proxy
- How to add to a Git Ignore file
- How to get a fork back up to date with the original repo it is forked from
- Merge a branch to main
- Merge pull request via command line
- Remove a file from git but keep the local file
- See the .git folder (in a terminal)
- The Github Cli
- Undo local changes to a file in git
- What version of git am I running?
- When creating a new git repo on bitbucket
- Who has worked on this git repo?