Delete old branches
You can remove all non-existent remote branch references in your local repository with
git remote prune origin
When I merge a pull request back into main
, I delete the branch on the server
But that doesn't delete it locally.
I end up with a bunch of local branches that need cleaning.
If I switch to such branches I see a message that "the upstream is gone."
> git checkout feature/1234-weaponise-space
Switched to branch 'feature/1234-weaponise-space'
Your branch is based on 'origin/feature/1234-weaponise-space', but the upstream is gone.
(use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup)
Yes. The upstream is gone. Because when the pull request was completed we chose to delete the branch on the server.
Now it's time to delete the local branch.
Delete local branch
To delete a local branch.
Make sure you want it gone.
Delete it...
To delete the local branch use one of the following:
git branch -d branch_name # delete only if fully merged upstream git branch -D branch_name # force delete even if not merged to its upstream
Find all 'gone' branches to delete
git branch -vv
Lists all branches and has : gone]
if their remote component has been removed. e.g.
> git branch -vv
FrogTracking 2583eea0 [origin/FrogTracking: behind 49] monkey-magnet fixed attributes on user columns
Gespacio e05bafd8 [origin/Gespacio: gone] Added .gitignore file to exclude .hg folder
bug/5928-cat-chaser-ignores-2-user-columns 2583eea0 [origin/bug/5928-cat-chaser-ignores-2-user-columns: gone] monkey-magnet fixed attributes on user columns
env-test 73e5707d [origin/env-test] remove merge markers
feature/5784-moon-tooth b1ec5764 [origin/feature/5784-moon-tooth: gone] 5784: moon-truth is more testable
feature/5784-sheep-dip-re-encoder 2b60c485 [origin/feature/5784-sheep-dip-re-encoder: gone] remove commented out code
feature/5792-cloud-taser-convert 88019a36 [origin/feature/5792-cloud-taser-convert: gone] Merge branch 'FrogTracking' into feature/5792-cloud-taser-convert
feature/5829-convert-hops-in-shops 3816b859 [origin/feature/5829-convert-hops-in-shops: gone] hops-ify Sync moon-boot-fighter.
feature/5884-funtegra-import-yard d55774bc [origin/feature/5884-funtegra-import-yard: gone] funtegra: import users from yard
feature/5959-oops-counter-Color a111c73b [origin/feature/5959-oops-counter-Color: gone] Build pipelines: removed file moon-web-build.yml
feature/5992-monkey-magnet-current-archive d2f88379 [origin/feature/5992-monkey-magnet-current-archive] Sync monkey-magnet default table renamed
* master d16af51f [origin/master] Merge master into this branch
refactor/cloud-taser-utc-datetime-handling 5da44411 [origin/refactor/cloud-taser-utc-datetime-handling: gone] moon: 5888 cloud-taser Online.
So the real point here is : gone]
substring referring to the missing origin.
To delete the origin
(for example, if you forgot to delete it when merging your pull request)
Delete it on the origin....
git push --delete origin feature/5992-monkey-magnet-current-archive
Then delete it locally (may need to switch out of it first with git co master
, for example)
git branch -d feature/5992-monkey-magnet-current-archive
May need to use -D
to force the delete if there's some discard-worthy change in there.
A script for this
function Prune-Branches($force = $false) {
Write-Host "run `git remote prune origin` first to unlink to missing remotes" -f yellow
git branch -vv |
Select-String ": gone]" |
% {
$branchName = (($_.ToString().Trim()) -split "\s")[0];
if ($force) {
if ("release", "main", "master", "dev" -notcontains $branchName) {
Write-Host "# Removing: $branchName " -f red;
Write-Host "> git branch -D $branchName " -f gray;
git branch -D $branchName
else {
Write-Host "**** Protection against deleting $branchName " -f yellow;
else {
Write-Host $branchName -f darkcyan -n;
Write-Host " - not removed";
if (!$force) {
Write-Host "Use '" -f cyan -n
Write-Host "Prune-Branches `$true" -f white -n;
Write-Host "' to force local deletion of remote-pruned branches" -f cyan;