Count lines of code with powershell

First naive attempt...

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse | Get-Content | Measure-Object -line -word -character

Now -- filter out blanks and whitespace...

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse | Get-Content | Measure-Object -line -word -character

Comments starting with "//"

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
	Get-Content |
		? { $_.trim() -like "//*" } |

Comments starting with "/*"

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
	Get-Content |
		? { $_.trim() -like "/``**" } |

Code minus blanks and comments

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
	Get-Content |
		? {
			$_.trim() -notlike "/``**" -and   # starts with /*
			$_.trim() -notlike "*``*/" -and   # ends with */
			$_.trim() -notlike "//*" -and     # starts with //
			$_.trim() -notlike "" } |         # blank

Avoid node_modules and obj folders

Here are two examples of where conditions

  1. Using -notmatch

     ? { $_.FullName -notmatch "\\node_modules\\|\\obj\\" }
  2. Using -like

     ? { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or $_.FullName -like '*\obj\*') }
  3. Using -notlike

     Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
     ? { $_.FullName -notlike '*\node_modules\*' -and $_.FullName -notlike '*\obj\*' } |
     Measure | % Count

Count .cs Files in all folders

To just count the files you can use:

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse | measure | % count

Count .cs files but not in node_modules or obj folder

Here are two versions -- they seem equally fast/slow to me at the moment...

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
	? { $_.FullName -notmatch "\\node_modules\\|\\obj\\" } |
	Measure | % Count


Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
	? { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or $_.FullName -like '*\obj\*') } |
	Measure | % Count

Lines of .cs code minus blanks and comments, avoiding some folders

Putting it all together:

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |
	? { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or $_.FullName -like '*\obj\*') } |
	Get-Content |
		? {
			$_.trim() -notlike "/``**" -and   # starts with /*
			$_.trim() -notlike "*``*/" -and   # ends with */
			$_.trim() -notlike "//*" -and     # starts with //
			$_.trim() -notlike "" } |         # blank
			Measure-Object -line -word -character

Or try:

Get-ChildItem -recurse | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer -ne $true } |
? { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or $_.FullName -like '*\obj\*') } |
% {

	$measureLines = (Get-Content $_ |
			? {
			$_.trim() -notlike "/``**" -and   # starts with /*
			$_.trim() -notlike "*``*/" -and   # ends with */
			$_.trim() -notlike "//*" -and     # starts with //
			$_.trim() -notlike "" } |         # blank
			Measure-Object -line -word -character);
	Add-Member -inputObject $_ -memberType NoteProperty -name "Lines" -value measureLines.Lines;
} group-object -property { ($_.extension) } | sort -desc Count;

See also