Count Files by Type

THis is a snippet that I use all the time, for seeing how many files of each type are in a folder/tree.

dir -rec -Exclude .git,*node_modules* | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer -ne $true } | ? { $_.DirectoryName -notmatch "node_modules|_book|\.git|\.hg" } | group-object -property { ($_.extension) } | sort -desc Count

I explicitly exclude the .git and node_modules folders, because I am usually not interested in those.

Get-ChildItem -rec -file |
Where-Object { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\obj\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.git\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.vs\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.vscode\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\packages\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.nuget\*') } |
group-object -property { ($_.extension) } |
	Sort-Object -desc Count

...or -- to provide more summary info about each group, such as total size of files, count of files etc.

Get-ChildItem -rec -file |
Where-Object { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\obj\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.git\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.vs\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.vscode\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\packages\*' -or
	$_.FullName -like '*\.nuget\*') } |
group-object -property { ($_.extension) } |
ForEach-Object {
		Ext = $_.Name
		Size_b = ($_.Group.Length | Measure-Object -sum).Sum
		Count = $_.Count
		Folders = ($_.Group | % {$_.Directory.FullName} | get-unique | count )
		Distinct_FileNames = ($_.Group | % Name | get-unique | count )
		Files = ($_.Group | % Name)
} | Sort-Object -desc Count, size_b | format-table

Summarize Projects in a Solution

This variant finds all project files, and for their home folder, gives a summary of the files/types in that folder:

Get-ChildItem . *.csproj -rec |
% {
	$project = $_.Directory.Name;
	Get-ChildItem $_.Directory.FullName -rec -file |
	Where-Object { -not ($_.FullName -like '*\node_modules\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\obj\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\bin\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\.git\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\.vs\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\.vscode\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\packages\*' -or
		$_.FullName -like '*\.nuget\*') } |
	group-object -property { ($project) } |
	ForEach-Object {
			Project = $project
			Size_kb = (($_.Group.Length | Measure-Object -sum).Sum  / 1kb).ToString("0.00")
			Folder_Count = ($_.Group | % {$_.Directory.FullName} | sort | get-unique | count )
			File_Types_Count = ($_.Group | % {$_.Extension} | sort | get-unique | count )
			File_Count = $_.Count
			Distinct_FileNames_Count = ($_.Group | % Name | sort | get-unique | count )
} |
sort @{Expression="File_Count";Descending=$true}  |

tip One thing that I keep learning over and over, is that you must sort the input that you send to get-unique. Otherwise it returns entirely the wrong results.

See also