How to get the version attributes of a DLL using Powershell

The VersionInfo property is the one to look at -- it's child properties

It may for example have all these sub properties (or others)

VersionInfo         :
	File:             C:\Users\user1\app\AngleSharp.dll
	InternalName:     AngleSharp.dll
	OriginalFilename: AngleSharp.dll
	FileVersion:      0.9.9
	FileDescription:  AngleSharp
	Product:          AngleSharp.Core
	ProductVersion:   0.9.9
	Debug:            False
	Patched:          False
	PreRelease:       False
	PrivateBuild:     False
	SpecialBuild:     False
	Language:         Language Neutral

dir *.dll | % { $_.Name + " " + $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion + " " + $_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion }

Or - expressing those nested properties as custom properties.

dir *.dll | select  -property Name, @{Ex={($_.VersionInfo.FileVersion)};Label="FileVersion"}, @{E={$_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion }; Label="ProductVersion"}

See also