Install TextFX plugin to notepad++

Go onto SourceForge and tracked down the latest TextFX file to import manually:

It's from


So, how much longer will it work?

I download and unzip


Stop notepad++, and Run Notepad++ as admin

within NotePad++ choose "Settings" | "Import" | "Import plugin(s)..." and import the .DLL from that location.

Immediately I see a "TextFX" menu item.

I then exit Notepad++ so I'm no longer running as administrator.

When I restart Notepad++ as non admin I still have the "TextFX" menu, so the plugin has worked.

Things that don't work

Use the technique above, as the following leads nowhere:

Trying to install TextFX through the plugin manager (Plugins | PLugin Manager | Find available... select TextFX, press Install)

A dialog appears showing download progress from a url starting with: ""

But then it errors with:

Installation Error
Installation of TextFX Characters failed.

On the "Plugin Manager" dialog when I press "Settings" I see this message:

Plugin Config path is:
Plugins in user's AppData directory are disabled - to enable in Notepad++ version 5.9.7 onwards place an empty file called allowAppDataPlugins.xml in the Notepad++ directory.

Anyway, to get around the error above, I used the technique above instead.

See also