Using HappyTransformer for Text Generation and More

Install HappyTransformer

(From an elevated / admin shell) (With python 3, and pip, available)

pip install happytransformer

First Program

This program will download the model 'EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B' which is a few gigabytes, and takes a while to download (the first time only)

And we will ask it to generate text that continues on from our prompt of "To make a cheese sandwich ".

The result will be very repetitive...

(Save this in a python file. Execute it with > python

from happytransformer import HappyGeneration

# first time you run this it will take a long time to download the model 'EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B' which is a few gigabytes.
happy_gen = HappyGeneration("GPT-NEO", "EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B")

# as we provided no other arguments, the output will be very repetitive
result = happy_gen.generate_text("To make a cheese sandwich ")

And will probably not get you any closer to making a cheese sandwich.

Using arguments to Refine Our Text Generation

We need to provide more arguments to the generate_text method. It has a parameter. args that takes an object of type GENSettings.

Let's see how to use that...

Less repetitive

By providing an argument with the parameter no_repeat_ngram_size=2 it means than any chunk of two or more tokens won't be repeated in the output.

from happytransformer import HappyGeneration, GENSettings

generation_args = GENSettings(no_repeat_ngram_size=2)
happy_gen = HappyGeneration("GPT-NEO", "EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B")

result = happy_gen.generate_text("To make a cheese sandwich ", args=generation_args)

Jargon -- I haven't described what a "token" is yet -- for now, consider it to be like "a word" though sometimes it's a fragment of a word (...for common fragments). We can see exactly what a token is when we look at tokenization, or when we look at training our GPT.

Knobs and Dials for you to explore

This time we set more than just the no_repeat_ngram_size parameter.

from happytransformer import HappyGeneration, GENSettings

# We set `no_repeat_ngram_size`, `do_sample`, `early_stopping`, `top_k`, `temperature`
generation_args = GENSettings(no_repeat_ngram_size=2, do_sample=True, early_stopping=False, top_k=50, temperature=0.7)
happy_gen = HappyGeneration("GPT-NEO", "EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B")

result = happy_gen.generate_text("To make a cheese sandwich  ", args=generation_args)

Here are all the parameters for GENSettings (from Happy Transformer documentation)

Parameter Default Definition
min_length 10 Minimum number of generated tokens
max_length 50 Maximum number of generated tokens
do_sample False When True, picks words based on their conditional probability
early_stopping False When True, generation finishes if the EOS (end of stream) token is reached
num_beams 1 Number of steps for each search path
temperature 1.0 How sensitive the algorithm is to selecting low probability options
top_k 50 How many potential answers are considered when performing sampling
top_p 1.0 Min number of tokens are selected where their probabilities add up to top_p
no_repeat_ngram_size 0 The size of an n-gram that cannot occur more than once. Note 0=infinity (I've determined that this is not true for one's bank balance, btw.)
bad_words None List of words/phrases that cannot be generated.


See also