How to avoid Xunit warnings around 'Do not use Assert to check for collection size'

All of these produces "warnings" in C#

Assert.Equal(1, actual.Count()); // Warning: Do not use Assert.Equal() to check for collection size
Assert.Equal(0, actual.Count()); // Warning: Do not use Assert.Equal() to check for collection size
Assert.NotEqual(0, actual.Count());  // Warning: Do not use Assert.NotEqual() to check for collection size


Instead of

Assert.Equal(1, actual.Count()); // Warning: Do not use Assert.Equal() to check for collection size


Assert.Single(actual); // No warning

Instead of

Assert.Equal(0, actual.Count()); // Warning: Do not use Assert.Equal() to check for collection size


Assert.Empty(actual); // No warning

Instead of

Assert.NotEqual(0, actual.Count());  // Warning: Do not use Assert.NotEqual() to check for collection size


Assert.Any(actual); // No warning

When is Assert.Equal acceptable for checking collection size?

For values other than 0, 1, and "not 0", it is fine to use Assert.Equal, e.g.

Assert.Equal(2, actual.Count()); // No warning generated for values other than 0 and 1
