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seqcli -?

Commandline tool for seq (see overview).

Supports logging (seqcli log), searching (seqcli search), tailing (seqcli tail), querying (seqcli query) and JSON or plain-text log file ingestion (seqcli ingest), and much more. — seqcli at github

> seqcli -?
Usage: seqcli <command> [<args>]
Type `seqcli help` for available commands

seqcli help

seqcli help

Help command for help with available commands.

seqcli help seqcli help



seqcli help apikey

Run api -- where is one of these:

Available sub-commands are:

Type seqcli help apikey <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli apikey create

Create an API key for automation or ingestion

seqcli apikey create

seqcli apikey list

List available API keys

seqcli apikey list

seqcli apikey remove

Remove an API key from the server

seqcli apikey list

seqcli apikey update

Update an existing API key


seqcli help app

Usage: seqcli app []

Available sub-commands are:

define Generate an app definition for a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in install Install an app package list List installed app packages run Host a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in uninstall Uninstall an app package update Update an installed app package

Type seqcli help app <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli app define

Generate an app definition for a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in

seqcli app install

Install an app package

seqcli app list

List installed app packages

seqcli app run

Host a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in

seqcli app uninstall

Uninstall an app package

seqcli app update

Update an installed app package


Via seqcli help appinstance

Usage: seqcli appinstance <sub-command> [<args>]

appinstance sub-commands:

Type seqcli help appinstance <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli appinstance create

Create an instance of an installed app

seqcli appinstance list

List instances of installed apps

seqcli appinstance remove

Remove an app instance from the server

seqcli appinstance update

Update an existing app instance


seqcli bench

Measure query performance

seqcli help bench

seqcli bench []

Measure query performance


View and set fields in the SeqCli.json file; run with no arguments to list all fields

seqcli help config

seqcli config

View and set fields in the SeqCli.json file; run with no arguments to list all fields

seqcli config [<args>]


seqcli help dashboard

seqcli dashboard

Usage: seqcli dashboard []

Available sub-commands are:

  • list — List dashboards
  • remove — Remove a dashboard from the server
  • render — Produce a CSV or JSON result set from a dashboard chart

Type seqcli help dashboard <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli dashboard list

List dashboards

seqcli dashboard list

seqcli dashboard remove

Remove a dashboard from the server

seqcli dashboard remove

seqcli dashboard render

Produce a CSV or JSON result set from a dashboard chart

seqcli dashboard render


seqcli help expressionindex

Usage: seqcli expressionindex []

Available sub-commands are:

create Create an expression index list List expression indexes remove Remove an expression index from the server

Type seqcli help expressionindex <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli expressionindex

seqcli expressionindex create

Create an expression index

seqcli expressionindex create

seqcli expressionindex list

List expression indexes

seqcli expressionindex list

seqcli expressionindex remove

Remove an expression index from the server

seqcli expressionindex remove


seqcli help feed

seqcli feed

Usage: seqcli feed []

Available sub-commands are:

  • create Create a NuGet feed
  • list List NuGet feeds
  • remove Remove a NuGet feed from the server
  • update Update an existing NuGet feed

Type seqcli help feed <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli feed create

Create a NuGet feed

seqcli feed create

seqcli feed list

List NuGet feeds

seqcli feed list

seqcli feed remove

Remove a NuGet feed from the server

seqcli feed remove

seqcli feed update

Update an existing NuGet feed

seqcli feed update


Show information about available commands

seqcli help help

seqcli help []

Show information about available commands


seqcli help search


seqcli help index

seqcli index

Usage: seqcli index []

Available sub-commands are: list List indexes suppress Suppress an index

Type seqcli help index <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli index list

List indexes

seqcli index list

seqcli index suppress

Suppress an index

seqcli index suppress


Send log events from a file or STDIN

seqcli help ingest

seqcli ingest

seqcli ingest []

Send log events from a file or STDIN


seqcli ingest -i log-*.txt --json --filter="@Level <> 'Debug'" -p Environment=Test

ingest file where.


seqcli help license

seqcli license

Usage: seqcli license []

Available sub-commands are: apply Apply a license to the Seq server

Type seqcli help license <sub-command> for detailed help


Send a structured log event to the server

seqcli help log

seqcli log []

Send a structured log event to the server

Example: seqcli log -m 'Hello, !' -p Name=World -p App=Test


seqcli help node

Usage: seqcli node []

Available sub-commands are: demote Begin demotion of the current leader node health Probe a Seq node's /health endpoint, and print the returned HTTP s tatus code, or 'Unreachable' if the endpoint could not be queried list List nodes in the Seq cluster

Type seqcli help node <sub-command> for detailed help


Pretty-print events in CLEF/JSON format

seqcli help print

seqcli print []

Pretty-print events in CLEF/JSON format, from a file or STDIN

Example: seqcli print -i log-20201028.clef


seqcli help profile

Usage: seqcli profile []

Available sub-commands are: create Create or replace a connection profile list List connection profiles remove Remove a connection profile

Type seqcli help profile <sub-command> for detailed help


Execute an SEQ query and receive results in CSV format

seqcli help query


seqcli query [<args>]

Execute an SEQ query and receive results in CSV format

Example: seqcli query -q "select count(*) from stream group by @Level" --start="2018-02-28T13:00Z"


seqcli help retention

Usage: seqcli retention []

Available sub-commands are: create Create a retention policy list List retention policies remove Remove a retention policy from the server update Update an existing retention policy

Type seqcli help retention <sub-command> for detailed help


seqcli help sample

Usage: seqcli sample []

Available sub-commands are: ingest Log sample events into a Seq instance setup Configure a Seq instance with sample dashboards, signals, users, and so on

Type seqcli help sample <sub-command> for detailed help

Retrieve log events that match a given filter

seqcli help search

seqcli search []

Retrieve log events that match a given filter

Example: seqcli search -f "@Exception like '%TimeoutException%'" -c 30


seqcli help setting

Usage: seqcli setting []

Available sub-commands are: clear Clear a runtime-configurable server setting names Print the names of all supported settings set Change a runtime-configurable server setting show Print the current value of a runtime-configurable server setting

Type seqcli help setting <sub-command> for detailed help


seqcli help signal

Usage: seqcli signal []

Available sub-commands are: create Create a signal import Import signals in newline-delimited JSON format list List available signals remove Remove a signal from the server update Update an existing signal

Type seqcli help signal <sub-command> for detailed help


Stream log events matching a filter

seqcli help tail

seqcli tail []

Stream log events matching a filter


seqcli help template

Usage: seqcli template []

Available sub-commands are: export Export entities into template files import Import entities from template files

Type seqcli help template <sub-command> for detailed help


seqcli help user

Usage: seqcli user []

Available sub-commands are: create Create a user list List users remove Remove a user from the server update Update an existing user

Type seqcli help user <sub-command> for detailed help


Print the current executable version

seqcli help version

seqcli version

Print the current executable version


seqcli help workspace

Usage: seqcli workspace []

Available sub-commands are:

  • create — Create a workspace
  • list — List available workspaces
  • remove — Remove a workspace from the server
  • update — Update an existing workspace

Type seqcli help workspace <sub-command> for detailed help

seqcli workspace create

Create a workspace

seqcli workspace create

seqcli workspace list

List available workspaces

seqcli workspace list

seqcli workspace remove

Remove a workspace from the server

seqcli workspace remove

seqcli workspace update

Update an existing workspace

seqcli workspace update