
Commandline tool for seq (see overview).

Supports logging (seqcli log), searching (seqcli search), tailing (seqcli tail), querying (seqcli query) and JSON or plain-text log file ingestion (seqcli ingest), and much more. — seqcli at github

Get it from datalust at

Or get it via dotnet

dotnet tool install --global seqcli

> seqcli -?

Usage: seqcli <command> [<args>]
Type `seqcli help` for available commands

seqcli help

Show information about available commands

Commands (and sub-commands)

seqcli apikey

(usage)Usage: seqcli apikey <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create an API key for automation or ingestion
(available)  list        List available API keys
(available)  remove      Remove an API key from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing API key
(type)Type `seqcli help apikey <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli apikey create

seqcli apikey create [<args>]

Create an API key for automation or ingestion

  seqcli apikey create -t 'Test API Key' -p Environment=Test

seqcli apikey list

seqcli apikey list [<args>]

List available API keys

  seqcli apikey list

seqcli apikey remove

seqcli apikey remove [<args>]

Remove an API key from the server

  seqcli apikey remove -t 'Test API Key'

seqcli apikey update

seqcli apikey update [<args>]

Update an existing API key

  seqcli apikey update --json '{...}'

seqcli app

(usage)Usage: seqcli app <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  define      Generate an app definition for a .NET `[SeqApp]` plug-in
(available)  install     Install an app package
(available)  list        List installed app packages
(available)  run         Host a .NET `[SeqApp]` plug-in
(available)  uninstall   Uninstall an app package
(available)  update      Update an installed app package
(type)Type `seqcli help app <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli app define

seqcli app define [<args>]

Generate an app definition for a .NET `[SeqApp]` plug-in

  seqcli app define -d "./bin/Debug/netstandard2.2"

seqcli app install

seqcli app install [<args>]

Install an app package

  seqcli app install --package-id 'Seq.App.JsonArchive'

seqcli app list

seqcli app list [<args>]

List installed app packages

  seqcli app list

seqcli app run

seqcli app run [<args>]

Host a .NET `[SeqApp]` plug-in

  seqcli tail --json | seqcli app run -d "./bin/Debug/netstandard2.2" -p

seqcli app uninstall

seqcli app uninstall [<args>]

Uninstall an app package

  seqcli app uninstall --package-id 'Seq.App.JsonArchive'

seqcli app update

seqcli app update [<args>]

Update an installed app package

  seqcli app update -n 'HTML Email'

seqcli appinstance

(usage)Usage: seqcli appinstance <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create an instance of an installed app
(available)  list        List instances of installed apps
(available)  remove      Remove an app instance from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing app instance
(type)Type `seqcli help appinstance <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli appinstance create

seqcli appinstance create [<args>]

Create an instance of an installed app

  seqcli appinstance create -t 'Email Ops' --app hostedapp-314159 -p

seqcli appinstance list

seqcli appinstance list [<args>]

List instances of installed apps

  seqcli appinstance list

seqcli appinstance remove

seqcli appinstance remove [<args>]

Remove an app instance from the server

  seqcli appinstance remove -t 'Email Ops'

seqcli appinstance update

seqcli appinstance update [<args>]

Update an existing app instance

  seqcli appinstance update --json '{...}'

seqcli bench

(none)seqcli bench [<args>]
(none)Measure query performance
(argument)  -r, --runs=VALUE           The number of runs to execute; the default is 10
(argument)  -c, --cases=VALUE          A JSON file containing the set of cases to run.
(argument)                               Defaults to a standard set of cases.
(argument)  -s, --server=VALUE         The URL of the Seq server; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` config value will be used
(argument)  -a, --apikey=VALUE         The API key to use when connecting to the server;
(argument)                               by default the `connection.apiKey` config
(argument)                               value will be used
(argument)      --profile=VALUE        A connection profile to use; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` and `connection.apiKey`
(argument)                               config values will be used
(argument)      --start=VALUE          ISO 8601 date/time to query from
(argument)      --end=VALUE            ISO 8601 date/time to query to
(argument)      --reporting-server=VALUE
(argument)                             The address of a Seq server to send bench results
(argument)                               to
(argument)      --reporting-apikey=VALUE
(argument)                             The API key to use when connecting to the
(argument)                               reporting server
(argument)      --description=VALUE    Optional description of the bench test run
(argument)      --with-ingestion       Should the benchmark include sending events to Seq
(argument)      --with-queries         Should the benchmark include querying Seq
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli config

(none)seqcli config [<args>]
(none)View and set fields in the `SeqCli.json` file; run with no arguments to list all fields
(argument)  -k, --key=VALUE            The field, for example `connection.serverUrl`
(argument)  -v, --value=VALUE          The field value; if not specified, the command
(argument)                               will print the current value
(argument)  -c, --clear                Clear the field
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli dashboard

(usage)Usage: seqcli dashboard <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  list        List dashboards
(available)  remove      Remove a dashboard from the server
(available)  render      Produce a CSV or JSON result set from a dashboard chart
(type)Type `seqcli help dashboard <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli dashboard list

seqcli dashboard list [<args>]

List dashboards

  seqcli dashboard list

seqcli dashboard remove

seqcli dashboard remove [<args>]

Remove a dashboard from the server

  seqcli dashboard remove -i dashboard-159

seqcli dashboard render

seqcli dashboard render [<args>]

Produce a CSV or JSON result set from a dashboard chart

  seqcli dashboard render -i dashboard-159 -c 'Response Time (ms)' --last 7d --by 1h

seqcli expressionindex

(usage)Usage: seqcli expressionindex <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create an expression index
(available)  list        List expression indexes
(available)  remove      Remove an expression index from the server
(type)Type `seqcli help expressionindex <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli expressionindex create

seqcli expressionindex create [<args>]

Create an expression index

  seqcli expressionindex create --expression "ServerName"

seqcli expressionindex list

seqcli expressionindex list [<args>]

List expression indexes

  seqcli expressionindex list

seqcli expressionindex remove

seqcli expressionindex remove [<args>]

Remove an expression index from the server

  seqcli expressionindex -i expressionindex-2529

seqcli feed

(usage)Usage: seqcli feed <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create a NuGet feed
(available)  list        List NuGet feeds
(available)  remove      Remove a NuGet feed from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing NuGet feed
(type)Type `seqcli help feed <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli feed create

seqcli feed create [<args>]

Create a NuGet feed

  seqcli feed create -n 'CI' --location="" -u Seq --password-stdin

seqcli feed list

seqcli feed list [<args>]

List NuGet feeds

  seqcli feed list

seqcli feed remove

seqcli feed remove [<args>]

Remove a NuGet feed from the server

  seqcli feed remove -n CI

seqcli feed update

seqcli feed update [<args>]

Update an existing NuGet feed

  seqcli feed update --json '{...}'

seqcli help

(none)seqcli help [<args>]
(none)Show information about available commands
(example)  seqcli help search
(argument)  -m, --markdown             Generate markdown for use in documentation
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli help seqcli

Usage: seqcli help <sub-command> [<args>]

Available sub-commands are:
              Show information about available commands

Type `seqcli help help <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli index

(usage)Usage: seqcli index <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  list        List indexes
(available)  suppress    Suppress an index
(type)Type `seqcli help index <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli index list

seqcli index list [<args>]

List indexes

  seqcli index list

seqcli index suppress

seqcli index suppress [<args>]

Suppress an index

  seqcli index suppress -i index-2191448f1d9b4f22bd32c6edef752748

seqcli ingest

(none)seqcli ingest [<args>]
(none)Send log events from a file or `STDIN`
(example)  seqcli ingest -i log-*.txt --json --filter="@Level <> 'Debug'" -p Environment=Test
(argument)  -i, --input=VALUE          File(s) to ingest, including the `*` wildcard; if
(argument)                               not specified, `STDIN` will be used
(argument)      --invalid-data=VALUE   Specify how invalid data is handled: `fail` (
(argument)                               default) or `ignore`
(argument)  -p, --property=NAME=VALUE  Specify name/value properties, e.g. `-p Customer=
(argument)                               C123 -p Environment=Production`
(argument)  -x, --extract=VALUE        An extraction pattern to apply to plain-text logs
(argument)                               (ignored when `--json` is specified)
(argument)      --json                 Read the events as JSON (the default assumes
(argument)                               plain text)
(argument)  -f, --filter=VALUE         Filter expression to select a subset of events
(argument)  -m, --message=VALUE        A message to associate with the ingested events;
(argument)                      syntax is
(argument)                               supported
(argument)  -l, --level=VALUE          The level or severity to associate with the
(argument)                               ingested events; this will override any level
(argument)                               information present in the events themselves
(argument)      --send-failure=VALUE   Specify how connection failures are handled: `
(argument)                               fail` (default), `retry`, `continue`, or `
(argument)                               ignore`
(argument)  -s, --server=VALUE         The URL of the Seq server; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` config value will be used
(argument)  -a, --apikey=VALUE         The API key to use when connecting to the server;
(argument)                               by default the `connection.apiKey` config
(argument)                               value will be used
(argument)      --profile=VALUE        A connection profile to use; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` and `connection.apiKey`
(argument)                               config values will be used
(argument)      --batch-size=VALUE     The maximum number of events to send in each
(argument)                               request to the ingestion endpoint; if not
(argument)                               specified a value of `100` will be used
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli ingest seqcli

Usage: seqcli ingest <sub-command> [<args>]

Available sub-commands are:
              Send log events from a file or `STDIN`

Type `seqcli help ingest <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli license

(usage)Usage: seqcli license <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  apply       Apply a license to the Seq server
(type)Type `seqcli help license <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli license apply

seqcli license apply [<args>]

Apply a license to the Seq server

  seqcli license apply --certificate="license.txt"

seqcli log

(none)seqcli log [<args>]
(none)Send a structured log event to the server
(example)  seqcli log -m 'Hello, {Name}!' -p Name=World -p App=Test
(argument)  -m, --message=VALUE        A message to associate with the event (the
(argument)                               default is to send no message); https://
(argument)                      syntax is supported
(argument)  -l, --level=VALUE          The level or severity of the event (the default
(argument)                               is `Information`)
(argument)  -t, --timestamp=VALUE      The event timestamp as ISO-8601 (the current UTC
(argument)                               timestamp will be used by default)
(argument)  -x, --exception=VALUE      Additional exception or error information to send,
(argument)                                if any
(argument)  -p, --property=NAME=VALUE  Specify name/value properties, e.g. `-p Customer=
(argument)                               C123 -p Environment=Production`
(argument)  -s, --server=VALUE         The URL of the Seq server; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` config value will be used
(argument)  -a, --apikey=VALUE         The API key to use when connecting to the server;
(argument)                               by default the `connection.apiKey` config
(argument)                               value will be used
(argument)      --profile=VALUE        A connection profile to use; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` and `connection.apiKey`
(argument)                               config values will be used
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli log seqcli

Usage: seqcli log <sub-command> [<args>]

Available sub-commands are:
              Send a structured log event to the server

Type `seqcli help log <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli node

(usage)Usage: seqcli node <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  demote      Begin demotion of the current leader node
(available)  health      Probe a Seq node's `/health` endpoint, and print the returned HTTP s
(available)              tatus code, or 'Unreachable' if the endpoint could not be queried
(available)  list        List nodes in the Seq cluster
(type)Type `seqcli help node <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli node demote

seqcli node demote [<args>]

Begin demotion of the current leader node

  seqcli node demote --verbose --wait

seqcli node health

seqcli node health [<args>]

Probe a Seq node's `/health` endpoint, and print the returned HTTP status code, or 'Unreachable' if the endpoint could not be queried

  seqcli node health -s

seqcli node list

seqcli node list [<args>]

List nodes in the Seq cluster

  seqcli node list --json

seqcli print

(none)seqcli print [<args>]
(none)Pretty-print events in CLEF/JSON format, from a file or `STDIN`
(example)  seqcli print -i log-20201028.clef
(argument)  -i, --input=VALUE          CLEF file to read, including the `*` wildcard; if
(argument)                               not specified, `STDIN` will be used
(argument)  -f, --filter=VALUE         Filter expression to select a subset of events
(argument)      --template=VALUE       Specify an output template to control plain text
(argument)                               formatting
(argument)      --invalid-data=VALUE   Specify how invalid data is handled: `fail` (
(argument)                               default) or `ignore`
(argument)      --no-color             Don't colorize text output
(argument)      --force-color          Force redirected output to have ANSI color (
(argument)                               unless `--no-color` is also specified)
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli print seqcli

Usage: seqcli print <sub-command> [<args>]

Available sub-commands are:
              Pretty-print events in CLEF/JSON format, from a file or `STDIN`

Type `seqcli help print <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli profile

(usage)Usage: seqcli profile <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create or replace a connection profile
(available)  list        List connection profiles
(available)  remove      Remove a connection profile
(type)Type `seqcli help profile <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli profile create

seqcli profile create [<args>]

Create or replace a connection profile

  seqcli profile create -n Production -s -a th15ISanAPIk3y

seqcli profile list

seqcli profile list

List connection profiles

  seqcli profile list

seqcli profile remove

seqcli profile remove [<args>]

Remove a connection profile

  seqcli profile remove -n Production

seqcli query

(none)seqcli query [<args>]
(none)Execute an SQL query and receive results in CSV format
(example)  seqcli query -q "select count(*) from stream group by @Level" --start="2018-02-28T13:00Z"
(argument)  -q, --query=VALUE          The query to execute
(argument)      --start=VALUE          ISO 8601 date/time to query from
(argument)      --end=VALUE            ISO 8601 date/time to query to
(argument)      --signal=VALUE         A signal expression or list of intersected signal
(argument)                               ids to apply, for example `signal-1,signal-2`
(argument)      --timeout=VALUE        The execution timeout in milliseconds
(argument)      --json                 Print output in newline-delimited JSON (the
(argument)                               default is plain text)
(argument)      --no-color             Don't colorize text output
(argument)      --force-color          Force redirected output to have ANSI color (
(argument)                               unless `--no-color` is also specified)
(argument)  -s, --server=VALUE         The URL of the Seq server; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` config value will be used
(argument)  -a, --apikey=VALUE         The API key to use when connecting to the server;
(argument)                               by default the `connection.apiKey` config
(argument)                               value will be used
(argument)      --profile=VALUE        A connection profile to use; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` and `connection.apiKey`
(argument)                               config values will be used
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli query seqcli

Usage: seqcli query <sub-command> [<args>]

Available sub-commands are:
              Execute an SQL query and receive results in CSV format

Type `seqcli help query <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli retention

(usage)Usage: seqcli retention <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create a retention policy
(available)  list        List retention policies
(available)  remove      Remove a retention policy from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing retention policy
(type)Type `seqcli help retention <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli retention create

seqcli retention create [<args>]

Create a retention policy

  seqcli retention create --after 30d --delete-all-events

seqcli retention list

seqcli retention list [<args>]

List retention policies

  seqcli retention list

seqcli retention remove

seqcli retention remove [<args>]

Remove a retention policy from the server

  seqcli retention remove -i retentionpolicy-17

seqcli retention update

seqcli retention update [<args>]

Update an existing retention policy

  seqcli retention update --json '{...}'

seqcli sample

(usage)Usage: seqcli sample <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  ingest      Log sample events into a Seq instance
(available)  setup       Configure a Seq instance with sample dashboards, signals, users, and
(available)               so on
(type)Type `seqcli help sample <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli sample ingest

seqcli sample ingest [<args>]

Log sample events into a Seq instance

  seqcli sample ingest

seqcli sample setup

seqcli sample setup [<args>]

Configure a Seq instance with sample dashboards, signals, users, and so on

  seqcli sample setup

(none)seqcli search [<args>]
(none)Retrieve log events that match a given filter
(example)  seqcli search -f "@Exception like '%TimeoutException%'" -c 30
(argument)  -f, --filter=VALUE         A filter to apply to the search, for example `
(argument)                               Host = ''`
(argument)  -c, --count=VALUE          The maximum number of events to retrieve; the
(argument)                               default is 1
(argument)      --start=VALUE          ISO 8601 date/time to query from
(argument)      --end=VALUE            ISO 8601 date/time to query to
(argument)      --json                 Print output in newline-delimited JSON (the
(argument)                               default is plain text)
(argument)      --no-color             Don't colorize text output
(argument)      --force-color          Force redirected output to have ANSI color (
(argument)                               unless `--no-color` is also specified)
(argument)      --signal=VALUE         A signal expression or list of intersected signal
(argument)                               ids to apply, for example `signal-1,signal-2`
(argument)      --request-timeout=VALUE
(argument)                             The time allowed for retrieving each page of
(argument)                               events, in milliseconds; the default is 100000
(argument)  -s, --server=VALUE         The URL of the Seq server; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` config value will be used
(argument)  -a, --apikey=VALUE         The API key to use when connecting to the server;
(argument)                               by default the `connection.apiKey` config
(argument)                               value will be used
(argument)      --profile=VALUE        A connection profile to use; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` and `connection.apiKey`
(argument)                               config values will be used
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli search seqcli

Usage: seqcli search <sub-command> [<args>]

Available sub-commands are:
              Retrieve log events that match a given filter

Type `seqcli help search <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli setting

(usage)Usage: seqcli setting <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  clear       Clear a runtime-configurable server setting
(available)  names       Print the names of all supported settings
(available)  set         Change a runtime-configurable server setting
(available)  show        Print the current value of a runtime-configurable server setting
(type)Type `seqcli help setting <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli setting clear

seqcli setting clear [<args>]

Clear a runtime-configurable server setting

seqcli setting names

seqcli setting names

Print the names of all supported settings

seqcli setting set

seqcli setting set [<args>]

Change a runtime-configurable server setting

seqcli setting show

seqcli setting show [<args>]

Print the current value of a runtime-configurable server setting

seqcli signal

(usage)Usage: seqcli signal <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create a signal
(available)  import      Import signals in newline-delimited JSON format
(available)  list        List available signals
(available)  remove      Remove a signal from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing signal
(type)Type `seqcli help signal <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli signal create

seqcli signal create [<args>]

Create a signal

  seqcli signal create -t 'Exceptions' -f "@Exception is not null"

seqcli signal import

seqcli signal import [<args>]

Import signals in newline-delimited JSON format

  seqcli signal import -i ./Exceptions.json

seqcli signal list

seqcli signal list [<args>]

List available signals

  seqcli signal list

seqcli signal remove

seqcli signal remove [<args>]

Remove a signal from the server

  seqcli signal remove -t 'Test Signal'

seqcli signal update

seqcli signal update [<args>]

Update an existing signal

  seqcli signal update --json '{...}'

seqcli tail

(none)seqcli tail [<args>]
(none)Stream log events matching a filter
(argument)  -f, --filter=VALUE         An optional server-side filter to apply to the
(argument)                               stream, for example `@Level = 'Error'`
(argument)      --json                 Print output in newline-delimited JSON (the
(argument)                               default is plain text)
(argument)      --no-color             Don't colorize text output
(argument)      --force-color          Force redirected output to have ANSI color (
(argument)                               unless `--no-color` is also specified)
(argument)      --signal=VALUE         A signal expression or list of intersected signal
(argument)                               ids to apply, for example `signal-1,signal-2`
(argument)  -s, --server=VALUE         The URL of the Seq server; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` config value will be used
(argument)  -a, --apikey=VALUE         The API key to use when connecting to the server;
(argument)                               by default the `connection.apiKey` config
(argument)                               value will be used
(argument)      --profile=VALUE        A connection profile to use; by default the `
(argument)                               connection.serverUrl` and `connection.apiKey`
(argument)                               config values will be used
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli template

(usage)Usage: seqcli template <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  export      Export entities into template files
(available)  import      Import entities from template files
(type)Type `seqcli help template <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli template export

seqcli template export [<args>]

Export entities into template files

  seqcli template export -o ./Templates

seqcli template import

seqcli template import [<args>]

Import entities from template files

  seqcli template import -i ./Templates

seqcli user

(usage)Usage: seqcli user <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create a user
(available)  list        List users
(available)  remove      Remove a user from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing user
(type)Type `seqcli help user <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli user create

seqcli user create [<args>]

Create a user

  seqcli user create -n alice -d 'Alice Example' -r 'User (read/write)' --password-stdin

seqcli user list

seqcli user list [<args>]

List users

  seqcli user list

seqcli user remove

seqcli user remove [<args>]

Remove a user from the server

  seqcli user remove -n alice

seqcli user update

seqcli user update [<args>]

Update an existing user

  seqcli user update --json '{...}'

seqcli version

(none)seqcli version
(none)Print the current executable version
(argument)      --verbose              Print verbose output to `STDERR`

seqcli workspace

(usage)Usage: seqcli workspace <sub-command> [<args>]
(available)Available sub-commands are:
(available)  create      Create a workspace
(available)  list        List available workspaces
(available)  remove      Remove a workspace from the server
(available)  update      Update an existing workspace
(type)Type `seqcli help workspace <sub-command>` for detailed help

seqcli workspace create

seqcli workspace create [<args>]

Create a workspace

  seqcli workspace create -t 'My Workspace' -c signal-314159 -c dashboard-628318

seqcli workspace list

seqcli workspace list [<args>]

List available workspaces

  seqcli workspace list

seqcli workspace remove

seqcli workspace remove [<args>]

Remove a workspace from the server

  seqcli workspace remove -t 'My Workspace'

seqcli workspace update

seqcli workspace update [<args>]

Update an existing workspace

  seqcli workspace update --json '{...}'