How to publish a module

For now — this is based entirely on Building a PowerShell Module by Warren Frame.

  1. Create a module (.psm1)
  2. Create a module manifest (.psd1)(using New-ModuleManifest)
  3. Register at PowershellGallery, and get an API key
  4. Publish using Publish-Module

Create a module (.psm1)

This is just a script file but with a .psm1 extension, and an export-moduleMember declaration(s) at the end, for example:

Export-ModuleMember *-*

...means "export every function that has a hyphen in the name", i.e. standard cmdLet syntax.

You can also individually specify the functions to be exported, e.g.:

Export-ModuleMember -function Invoke-CupHolder

(The alternative: if you don't use Export-ModuleMember then everything is automatically exported from your .psm1 file)

Create a module manifest

A module manifest is a script with a .psd1 extension. It describes the module, and is needed for publication.

$Path = 'C:\sc\PSStackExchange'
$ModuleName = 'PSStackExchange'
$Author = 'RamblingCookieMonster'
$Description = 'PowerShell module to query the StackExchange API'

# Create the module and private function directories
mkdir $Path\$ModuleName
mkdir $Path\$ModuleName\Private
mkdir $Path\$ModuleName\Public
mkdir $Path\$ModuleName\en-US # For about_Help files
mkdir $Path\Tests

#Create the module and related files
New-Item "$Path\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psm1" -ItemType File
New-Item "$Path\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.Format.ps1xml" -ItemType File
New-Item "$Path\$ModuleName\en-US\" -ItemType File
New-Item "$Path\Tests\PSStackExchange.Tests.ps1" -ItemType File
New-ModuleManifest -Path $Path\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psd1 `
                   -RootModule $Path\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psm1 `
                   -Description $Description `
                   -PowerShellVersion 3.0 `
                   -Author $Author `
                   -FormatsToProcess "$ModuleName.Format.ps1xml"

Register at PowershellGallery, and get an API key

To publish it to the Powershell Gallery you'll need to register yourself as a user there, and then you'll need an API key. Once registered, you'll find your API key here:

Once you have your API key, please remember to keep it secret for if it falls into enemy hands, then god help us all.

Publish using Publish-Module

# This assumes you are running PowerShell 5

# Parameters for publishing the module
$Path = 'C:\Folder\Containing\Your\Module'
$PublishParams = @{
    NuGetApiKey = 'REDACTED!' # Swap this out with your API key
    Path = 'C:\SC\PSStackExchange\PSStackExchange'
    ProjectUri = ''
    Tags = @('StackExchange', 'StackOverflow', 'REST', 'API' )

# We install and run PSScriptAnalyzer against the module to make sure it's not failing any tests
# As admin:
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -force
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $Path

# Or if not as admin...
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $Path

# ScriptAnalyzer passed! Let's publish
Publish-Module @PublishParams

# The module is now listed on the PowerShell Gallery
Find-Module PSStackExchange


See also