Parse a Powershell Comment block

If you have a comment block containing text like this:

This script does magical terrible things
In order to do the magical terrible things you must first purchase a license
.\dothing.ps1 "TERROR!"

You can parse it into TAGS (e.g. "SYNOPSIS") and bodies (e.g. "This script does magical terrible things")

... using this function:

function parseComment ($comment) {
	$token = $null
	$body = $null
	$comment.split("`r`n") | % {
		if ($_.StartsWith("."))
			 # new token, so yield the previous one
			 if ($token -ne $null) {
				New-Object psobject -property  @{token = $token.trim(); body = $body.trim()}
			$token = $_.Trim(".");
			$body = ""
		} else {
			$body+= $_ + "`r`n"

	# yield any remaining token
	if ($token -ne $null) {
		New-Object psobject -property  @{token = $token.trim(); body = $body.trim()}

For example:

parseComment($example) | format-table -property token, body -auto