Notepad++ command line help

Note I can scroll to a particular line using:

> n -n56 .\yow.txt

...or to a particular position...

> n -n4321 .\yow.txt

...and could first find that position by using a different regex based match finder.

That's the plan!

Notepad++ Command Argument Help
Usage :

notepad++ [--help] [-multiInst] [-noPlugin] [-lLanguage] [-LlangCode] [-nLineNumber] [-cColumnNumber] [-pPosition] [-xLeftPos] [-yTopPos] [-nosession] [-notabbar] [-ro] [-systemtray] [-loadingTime] [-alwaysOnTop] [-openSession] [-r] [-qnEasterEggName | -qtText | -qfCntentFileName] [-qSpeed1|2|3] [-quickPrint] [-openFoldersAsWorkspace] [filePath]

--help : This help message
-multiInst : Launch another Notepad++ instance
-noPlugin : Launch Notepad++ without loading any plugin
-l : Open file or display ghost typing with syntax highlighting of choice
-L : Apply indicated localization, langCode is browser language code
-n : Scroll to indicated line on filePath
-c : Scroll to indicated column on filePath
-p : Scroll to indicated position on filePath
-x : Move Notepad++ to indicated left side position on the screen
-y : Move Notepad++ to indicated top position on the screen
-nosession : Launch Notepad++ without previous session
-notabbar : Launch Notepad++ without tabbar
-ro : Make the filePath read only
-systemtray : Launch Notepad++ directly in system tray
-loadingTime : Display Notepad++ loading time
-alwaysOnTop : Make Notepad++ always on top
-openSession : Open a session. filePath must be a session file
-r : Open files recursively. This argument will be ignored
		 if filePath contain no wildcard character
-qn : Launch ghost typing to display easter egg via its name
-qt : Launch ghost typing to display a text via the given text
-qf : Launch ghost typing to display a file content via the file path
-qSpeed : Ghost typing speed. Value from 1 to 3 for slow, fast and fastest
-quickPrint : Print the file given as argument then quit Notepad++
-openFoldersAsWorkspace: open filePath of folder(s) as workspace
filePath : file or folder name to open (absolute or relative path name)