Invoke a LinqPad Script with Invoke-LinqPadScript CommandLet

Since you can Run Linqpad scripts from the command-line I made a short wrapper that lets you invoke scripts in a dedicated LinqPad script folder. (Assuming it is a directory caled linqPad under your utils folder.

function Invoke-LinqPadScript
        [parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string]$ScriptName,
        [parameter(mandatory=$false, position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]$AllArgs

    if (!(Get-Command "lprun" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        write-host "You need lprun.exe, on the PATH, to be able to use this module." -foregroundcolor "red"

    $fullScriptPath = ("{0}\linqpad\{1}.linq" -f $env:util, $ScriptName);

    if (!(test-path $fullScriptPath)) {
        write-host  ("No script found " + $fullScriptPath) -foregroundcolor "red"

    & lprun $fullScriptPath $AllArgs

And the recommended alias for that is linq. So, you can invoke a LinqPad script called Calendar.linq by typing:

linq calendar

Also, I've got a Get-LinqPadScript commandlet for quickly listing the available scripts.

function Get-LinqPadScript
        [parameter(mandatory=$false, position=0)][string]$ScriptName

    $linqPadScriptPath = ("{0}\linqpad" -f $env:util);

    if ($scriptName -ne $null) {
        Get-ChildItem $linqPadScriptPath  *.linq |
            ? { $_.BaseName -match $scriptName } |
            Format-Table -property  @{Expression={$_.BaseName};Label="Script"} -auto
    } else {
        Get-ChildItem $linqPadScriptPath  *.linq |
            Format-Table -property  @{Expression={$_.BaseName};Label="Script"} -auto

The recommended alias for that is linqs, so if you try, linqs sql you'll see any script with 'sql' in the BaseName.

Putting better support for this into linqPad is a uservoice suggestion Create Invoke-LinqPad Cmdlet for powershell where a commenter has included a basic example

See also