Open Local File in Github (or Azure Devops)
If there is a local file, and you want to open at that file (to inspect the history etc in the website)
You can use this little powershell function, Show-Azuredevops
. (It's orginally built for Azure Devops... but works for Github too!)
As you'll see, it depends on two other functions, Get-GitRemotePath
and Get-GitLocalRootPath
which are defined in a subsequent code block.
function Show-Azuredevops
# Determine the correct azure instance to use!
# for example: ""; (for a given `COMPANY/REPONAME`)
# But if it's github we want:
# "" (for a given `COMPANY/REPONAME`)
# ...but it seems that the "?path=" construct as used by azure devops, gets redirected correctly for Github anyway!
# (as long as you have permissions to view the file, with the github user of the browser that opens)
$remotePath = (Get-GitRemotePath);
Write-Host "Remote path:" -f gray -n;
Write-Host $remotePath -f yellow;
$ado_base = ($remotePath + "?path=");
Write-Host "SEARCHING FOR '$searchFilter'" -f green;
$gitroot = (Get-GitLocalRootPath);
if (-not (Test-Path $searchFilter) -and (Get-Location).path.ToLowerInvariant() -notlike "$gitroot*") {
Write-Host "YOU'RE NOT CURRENTLY IN A git repo" -f green
if (Test-Path $searchFilter) {
# e.g. C:\Apps\repos\CUST\REPO\SOME\FOLDER\SUBFOLDER\FILENAME.EXT which maps to:
# turn $searchFilter, whioch is a fraction of a name into a full path....
$fullPath = (Get-ChildItem $searchFilter |
Select-Object -First 1 |
ForEach-Object fullName);
$relativePath = $fullPath -replace [regex]::escape($gitroot), '' # remove root path -- case-insensitive
Write-Host "Relative path: " -f gray -n;
Write-Host $relativePath -f yellow;
$url = ($ado_base + $relativePath.replace("\", "/"));
Write-Host $url -f magenta;
browse $url;
Get-GitRemotePath Function
Here is the Get-GitRemotePath
function (comments explain how it works, based on the command git remote -v
function Get-GitRemotePath() {
# e.g.
# git remote -v
# origin (fetch)
# origin (push)
# git remote -v | ? { $_ -like "*(fetch)" }
# origin (fetch)
# git remote -v | ? { $_ -like "*(fetch)" } | % { ($_ -split "[`t ]")[1]}
# ... and we remove any leading "COMPANY@" or "USERNAME@" (if present)...
return (git remote -v |
Where-Object { $_ -like "*(fetch)" } |
ForEach-Object { ($_ -split "[`t ]")[1] }) -replace "//.*@", "//";
Get-GitLocalRootPath Function
Here is the Get-GitLocalRootPath
This returns the name of the folder that the repo is inside, as a full path.
function Get-GitLocalRootPath() {
# e.g. C:\Apps\repos\CUST\REPO ... the folder that the repo is inside.
return ((git rev-parse --show-toplevel) -replace "/", '\');