Want to return 404 from a method in asp.net MVC?
It's as easy as
return HttpNotFound();
Can also put a message in
return HttpNotFound("No such puppy!");
And for 403 — try this:
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult("Forbidden biscuits.");
But all of those will probably end up displaying the IIS-level error page, not the custom error page if you have one.
A more general method -- that can end up at your custom 404 error page inside asp.ent mvc, if you have one, is:
throw new HttpException(404, "KITTEN MISSING");
throw new HttpException(403, "FORBIDDEN KITTEN!");
And more generally try this:
throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.OK);
etc... for each http code
See Custom Errors in asp.net mvc 5 -- to get this perfected!
Breaking news
In asp.net core
you do this:
return NotFound();
Or even:
return NotFound("No such kitten!");
The comment on this is funny (the comment you see in a tooltip in visual studio)
// Summary:
// Creates an Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NotFoundResult that produces a Not Found
// (404) response.
So on the one hand we're trying to be "transport-agnostic", removing Http
from the name... but on the other hand we still need to let the developer know that this is really a 404
. So we embed it in the comment. Wink wink.