Get-AdGroup in powershell via RSAT (Remote server administration tools)

Traditionally I use some C# Linq files to query active directory, but they're a bit of a mess. I was trying to get some help online and most articles talked about using powershell cmdlets like Get-ADGroup

(Other people use ADSI Edit, C:\windows\system32\adsiedit.msc)

To get this module you need to install "RSAT" or "Remote Server Administration Tools". In Windows 10, this is available as an optional feature.

Start Menu |
	Apps & Features |
		Manage Optional Features |
			Add a feature |
				"RSAT: Active Directory Domain Services and Lightweight Directory Services Tools"

...bit of a mouthful. (There are a lot of other RSAT features to pick from.)

Details of a group

Once that's installed, you can get Ad group info via:

get-adgroup "THE-GROUPS-NAME" -properties *

Details of a user

And similarly:

get-aduser "my-user-name" -properties *

Usually I want:

Which groups is a user in?

(Get-ADUser "MyUser" -Properties MemberOf).MemberOf

But since the results are in "X.500 Directory Specification" which looks like this....


...and we only want the group name (say) -- we can split it by the commas, then keep only the bits that start with "CN=" and then split that on the equals sign and keep the values of the first item in the result.

(Get-ADUser "leon.bambrick" -Properties MemberOf).MemberOf | % { ($_ -split "," -like "CN=*" -split "=" )[1] }

(I did like this alternative form at serverfault from user Canoas which doesn't rely on RSAT....

(New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$($env:username)))")).FindOne().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf


Which users are in a group?



get-adgroupmember "A-SPECIAL-GROUP" | % SamAccountName

Don't have RSAT? Try this technique:

(New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=Group)(samAccountName=$('A-SPECIAL-GROUP')))")).FindOne().Properties.member

When was the user's password last set?

$userName = "my-user-name"
(Get-ADUser -Identity $userName -Properties "PasswordLastSet")."PasswordLastSet"

(Can be the best way to guess when it will be reset/expire..)

Try to find the property you want to find

What if we want to find all properties that mention "pass" -- we can do it like this:

(Get-ADUser "leon.bambrick" -Properties "*") | get-member | ? { $_.MemberType -eq "Property" -and $_.Name -like "*pass*" }

Then we use the syntax in the examples above to fetch and return that property.

Or without RSAT, show all of the properties for a user....

(New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$('leon.bambrick')))")).FindOne().Properties

Or just show the property names (still without RSAT)

(New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$('leon.bambrick')))")).FindOne().Properties.Keys

Or (still without RSAT) search for a property that matches a pattern:

(New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$($ENV:UserName)))")).FindOne().Properties |
  % { $xx = $_; $_.Keys  | ? { $_ -like "*pass*"} | % { write-host "$_" -f yellow -n; write-host "`t`t$($xx[$_])" -f white } }

Find user details of a user from a different Domain Controller

Say I'm on a subnet called Australia.Company.Example.Com and the user account I want to inspect if from the parent domain, Company.Example.Com -- don't prefix the domain before the user... specifiy server= parameter!

get-aduser "USER-NAME" -server "" -properties *

Convert badPasswordTime and or accountExpires from 18 digit LDAP time to DateTime

Some dates are 18 digits long and represent "the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since the 0 hour on January 1, 1601"

> w32tm.exe /ntte "131755762378066802"
152495 02:17:17.8066802 - 9/07/2018 12:17:17 PM

accountExpires                       : 9223372036854775807

>w32tm.exe /ntte "9223372036854775807"
10675199 02:48:05.4775807 -

see How to convert date/time attributes in Active Directory to standard time format

All other Get methods in RSAT

In fact here's all the 'get' methods that are available:

(Find this via:

get-command get-* | ? { $_.Source -eq "ActiveDirectory" } | % Name


See also