Log the SQL generated by Entity Framework

Here's a common example of what you do:

Context.Database.Log = Console.Write

..where Context is a DbContext.

.Log is of type Action<string>-- so you can set it to any method that returns nothing and has 1 parameter, a string.

Contextual help on ".Log" read:


Set this property to log the SQL generated by the System.Data.Entity.DbContext to the given delegate. For example, to log to the console, set this property to System.Console.Write(System.String).

First thing I tried was setting it to Debug.WriteLine... but this is not good because Debug.WriteLine is "Conditional" -- and only exists if the "DEBUG" compilation symbol is defined. Here is how Debug.WriteLine is defined:

public static void WriteLine(string message);

I thought I could get around it like this:

Context.Database.Log = Debug.WriteLine;

...but no, same problem.

Instead I had to do this... create a new "Write" method, that is a wrapper to Debug.WriteLine

private void Write(string message)
	Debug.WriteLine($"** {DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} **: {message}");

Then I can assign Log to the wrapper function.... I still put it in a conditional because that's the whole point in this case...

Context.Database.Log = Write;

I also created a helper method to enable it from outside the scope where Context is available:

public void EnableSqlLogging(bool logit, Action<string> loggingEndpoint = null)
	if (logit)
			Context.Database.Log = loggingEndpoint ?? Write;
			Context.Database.Log = null;