EF6: Create Empty Migration

Before proceeding -- make sure you have compiled your code!

In the package manager console...

Select the default project (dropdown) to have the project which contains your migrations and entity config.

ensure you have compiled the project before you proceed


In the package manager console (having selected the right project, see above), run this command:

Add-Migration "my_new_migration" -verbose

(You don't need the -verbose but i find it useful to see more output and routinely include that)

You'll receive an "empty" migration file, something like this:

namespace MyDbProject.Migrations
	using System;
	using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;

	public partial class my_new_migration : DbMigration
		public override void Up()

		public override void Down()

In the Up and Down method - you might specify some raw sql, by using the sql command... but that's another TIL.