Merge pull request via command line

If you do not want to use the merge button (or an automatic merge cannot be performed) you can perform a manual merge on the command line.

Step 1: From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.

git checkout -b doekman-master master
git pull master

Step 2: Merge the changes and update on GitHub.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff doekman-master
git push origin master

resolve merge conflicts arising during pull request

Situation: you're working on a feature branch called feature-1

You think you're done - so you push your last commit to the server, to begin a pull request, hoping to merge it to main.

Before the Pull request is complete, someone merges a different PR into main and azure devops reports there is a merge conflict 'file changed in both'

On your local machine - switch to the feature branch (you are probably already there)

and then...

git pull origin main

...this will attempt to bring the remote copy of main (origin main) into your local repo and folder, where you are working on feature-1

The merge conflict will then occur before your eyes, and you can resolve it locally.

When you're done, commit and push (you'll be pushing to remote feature-1) and your new commit will form part of the pull request.