git for mercurial users

how mercurial does it

mercurial overview

how git does it

git overview

big difference is the "staging area" and fetch/pull.

mercurial git note
hg init git init
hg pull git fetch bring into local repo but not working folder
hg pull --update git pull bring into local repo and working folder
hg pull --rebase git pull --rebase
hg status git status
hg diff git diff HEAD shows all changes whether staged or not
hg outgoing git log --branches --not --remotes=origin (bit of a mouthful, can use an alias)


git config example

	proxy = {your proxy if needed}
	proxy = {your proxy if needed}
	name = Leon
	email =
	helper = manager
	outgoing = log --branches --not --remotes=origin
	out = !git outgoing
	incoming = !git fetch ; git log ..origin/master
	in = !"git incoming"
	st = status
	stat = status
	paths = remote -v
	path = !"git paths"
	heads = show-ref
	alias = config --get-regexp alias

set up your config

git config --global "Leon"
git config --global ""
git config --global http.proxy {your proxy if needed}
git config --global https.proxy {your proxy if needed}

See also